Select Resin, a leading provider of high-quality resin products…

approached our agency seeking a complete revamp of their online presence. Their existing website, built on a bespoke CMS, was outdated and no longer supported.

With limited content and a failure to effectively communicate their unique selling propositions (USPs), the client recognized the need for a fresh, user-friendly, and content-rich website.

In this case study, we delve into the process and outcomes of building a new website for Select Resin, emphasizing the migration to WordPress and the expansion of content to highlight the company’s USPs.

Select Resin has been a trusted supplier of commercial resin floors for various industries for over two decades. Their commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction has earned them a loyal customer base. However, their existing website failed to reflect their industry leadership and communicate the full range of products and services they offer.

Challenges Faced

Outdated CMS: The old website’s bespoke CMS was unsupported and posed a significant risk in terms of security vulnerabilities and scalability. Migration to a widely supported platform was crucial.

The old website lacked in-depth information about Select Resin’s products, services, and expertise. It failed to convey the company’s unique value proposition, hindering the ability to attract and engage potential customers effectively.


1. WordPress Migration: After a careful evaluation of available options, we recommended migrating the website to WordPress. WordPress is a highly flexible and widely used CMS, known for its user-friendly interface and extensive plugin ecosystem. This transition ensured a future-proof platform with enhanced security, regular updates, and ample room for customization.

2. Content Expansion: To address the lack of content, our team conducted comprehensive research to understand Select Resin’s offerings and unique strengths. We collaborated closely with the client to develop a content strategy that emphasized their USPs, including product quality, extensive range, industry expertise, and exceptional customer service. We produced well-crafted, SEO-optimized content for each product category, service offering, and relevant industry insights.


We focused on creating a clean, modern design that showcased Select Resin’s brand identity while ensuring a seamless user experience. The new website featured intuitive navigation, clear calls-to-action, and responsive layouts for optimal viewing on different devices.

A comprehensive site map was developed to organize the expanded content logically. We created clear product categories, service sections, and dedicated pages to highlight the company’s USPs. This approach allowed visitors to easily locate and understand the value offered by Select Resin.

The website was visually enhanced with high-resolution product images, videos, and interactive elements to engage visitors and enhance the user experience. The goal was to provide potential customers with a tangible understanding of Select Resin’s offerings.

Enhanced User Experience: The new website’s user-friendly interface and improved navigation significantly enhanced the user experience, resulting in reduced bounce rates and increased engagement. Visitors could now effortlessly find the information they needed, leading to a higher likelihood of conversion.

Expanded Content: The enriched content provided visitors with detailed insights into Select Resin’s products, services, and industry expertise. This improved transparency and trust, positioning Select Resin as a knowledgeable industry leader and driving potential customers to make informed purchasing decisions.

Improved Visibility: The SEO-optimized content and enhanced technical aspects of the new website improved its visibility in search engine rankings. This resulted in increased organic traffic and a broader online reach for Select Resin.


your current site need a refresh? 

Get in touch today for an informal chat, take the first step towards a whole new online presence!